It’s important to understand that stress is a normal part of everyday life. Stress is actually a healthy and effective response in preparing various systems in your body to deal with the potential problems. The issues arise when the stress is ongoing.
Chronic stress is a state where our sympathetic nervous system remains triggered to continually produce various stress hormones. This constant state of stress has detrimental effects on the body. If you don’t learn how to effectively manage stress, it can take a toll on your health and mental well-being.
Chronic stress has been linked to:
heart disease
high blood pressure
thyroid issues
anxiety and depression.
The good news is we have a proven track record of helping people learn the tools necessary to become more resilient to stress.
Is Stress Management For You?
None of us are immune to stress – it does not discriminate by age, gender, occupation, background or other circumstances. We are each unique, and so are our responses to stressors. You may respond differently to your peers when faced with the same situation, and there is no shame in seeking help even if others seem to be coping.
If you’re struggling to manage stress, your health, relationships, performance at work and overall quality of life will benefit from professional assistance.
There are a number of physical and psychological symptoms that can indicate excessive stress. Do you experience any of the following? –
Feeling overwhelmed and out of control
Feeling moody, tearful
Difficulty concentrating
Low self-esteem, lack of confidence
High blood pressure
Weakened immune system
Heart disease
Headaches and other aches and pains
Sleep disturbance, insomnia
Anger, irritability
Upset stomach, indigestion, diarrhoea
These are important signals from your body. Don’t ignore them – learn how to reduce stress.